Queen Raina Visit Lesbos Refugees

ABC Reports that Queen Raina Visited Greek Island Lesbos Refugees –

“Rania visited the Kara Tepe camp on Monday, a municipal-run facility hosting more than 800 people. Jordan is currently home to more than 1.2 million Syrians.

Rania says aid organizations had voiced “deep concern” over the recent European Union-Turkey deal under which those arriving on Greek islands after March 20 face deportation back to Turkey. She says it is “absolutely crucial for us to look for legal alternatives and more safe and effective pathways to Europe and to areas of safety.”

She also says authorities need to search for sustainable, long-term solutions to the migrant crisis.”


What we need to see is more of the Mid East States open their doors to the fleeing Syrians and create Safe Zones there rather than in Europe – we also need to see a long term repatriation program to repatriate these refugees back into Syria once Bassar Assad and the Alawites are gone from power.

About johnmhummasti

Was the victim of Human Rights Abuses (e.g. Hummasti v Bell, 98-3651-JTC) while a patient in the custody of the US Attorney General and hospitalized under 18 USC 4241 through 4244, et seq.! Interests: Biblical Studies, Talmudic Studies, Dead Sea (Yam Melek [Sea of Kings Soferim]) Scrolls, Scribal (Stam Sofer) Traditions, Cantorial (Hazzan) Psalms (Tehillim). Illustrated Calligraphy (e.g. Ketuvim [Jewish Marriage Contracts], Poetry). Self Published Manuscripts and Screen Plays at yhummastiscribd web site:
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